Stars Appeal Volunteers Shortlisted For Award

Two Stars Appeal volunteers have been shortlisted in the BBC Radio Wiltshire Make a Difference Awards 2024

David Chalk, who is a Stars Appeal bucket collection volunteer at Salisbury District Hospital, and Volunteer Challenge Manager Jo Maslen, who organises the charity's fundraising treks, are in the running for the Fundraiser award.

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Stars Appeal volunteer David Chalk
Stars Appeal volunteer David Chalk

Dave Cates, of the Stars Appeal, Salisbury Hospital's Charity, said: "To have one of our fundraisers recognised in such a high-profile awards programme would be brilliant, but to have two, who each represent such different types of fundraising, is astonishing. Both David and Jo have been supporting the Stars Appeal for many years and would be the first to say that they fundraise within teams.

"We are incredibly proud of them both and wish them the best of luck for the awards ceremony in September. As far as the Stars Appeal is concerned, they are both winners, and we are winners to have them volunteer for us."

David initially collected funds around Salisbury with Michael Beck and Wally Wheelbarrow. He regularly supports the charity by collecting donations in Salisbury Hospital. Jo has worked with more than 100 local people who have joined the Stars Appeal's fundraising treks over the past ten years.

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Stars Appeal volunteer Jo Maslen
Stars Appeal volunteer Jo Maslen
Photo © Spencer Mulholland

Graham Rogers, of BBC Radio Wiltshire, added: "Make a Difference Awards celebrate the amazing people of Wiltshire who go above and beyond to help others. It is our way of giving them an extra special thank you."

David and Jo will be sharing their inspiring stories of fundraising and why they support the Stars Appeal, Salisbury Hospital's Charity, on BBC Radio Wiltshire's Breakfast Show, Daytime and Afternoon Show this week. David's interview aired on Tuesday, July 23 and Jo's aired on Thursday, July 25.

BBC Radio Wiltshire received hundreds of nominations across eight categories. A panel of independent judges then selected the four finalists for each category.

The Fundraiser award is for an individual or group of people who have gone the extra mile to raise funds for a good cause. The Make a Difference Awards take place in September.

To find out more about the Stars Appeal:

Stars Appeal

Registered Charity No. 1052284

Posted: 24 July, 2024

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