Advertising Details

YOUR advertising delivered
DIRECTLY to YOUR customers!

A total of 13,000 copies of the three magazines are distributed each calendar month.

All prices listed in the Advertising Rates Sections below are per single month and are subject to VAT at 20%.

Contracts for 6 of 12 straight months or 6 over alternate months will receive 10% discount on these prices, when paid by monthly standing order or 15% when paid upfront in full.

Please see the Size Chart for details of advert sizes.

Copy Deadline is STRICTLY the 15th of each month prior to publication.

Distribution is from the first week of each month.

Please ask for availability of front cover adverts, as you may need to book these around 6 months in advance.

Advertising Sizes

The Trader Distribution Areas

For All 3 Publications

The Trader distribution areas

The MAJORITY of all 3 Publications are distributed DIRECTLY through doors with small number being placed in dispensers in key locations such as local shops, pubs, The Holiday Inn, doctors surgeries, army camps as well as to some of the more rural villages outside of our door to door distribution areas.

Please see individual distribution area lists for the distribution numbers of each Trader Publication.

Please note: The total number of houses in our distribution area is constantly changing slightly, with new residential development. So, if you require an accurate distribution total, please enquire at the time of ordering your advertising / leaflet distribution.

Stonehenge Trader Advertising Rates

Inside Pages  
Size 1 £32.00
Size 3 £62.00
Size 4 £95.00
Size 5 (¼ Page) £125.00
Size 7 (½ Page) £235.00
Size 8 (1 Page) £455.00
Front Cover  
Header Side Ear (x1) £68.00
Size 1 £56.00
Size 3 £88.00
Size 4 £125.00
Back Cover  
Size 5 (¼ Page) £155.00
Size 7 (½ Page) £275.00
Size 8 (1 Page) £495.00

Stonehenge Trader Door to Door Distribution Areas

Town / Village Quantity
Amesbury (inc. Countess Rd) 5882
Bulford 1020
Durrington 2022
Figheldean 200
Haxton & Fittleton 115
Larkhill 900
Netheravon 560
Local Businesses / Dispensers 361
Total Monthly Distribution 11000

Bourne Valley Trader Advertising Rates

Inside Pages  
Size 1 £18.00
Size 3 £28.00
Size 4 £42.00
Size 5 (¼ Page) £54.00
Size 7 (½ Page) £99.00
Size 8 (1 Page) £199.00
Front Cover  
Header Side Ear (x1) £28.00
Size 1 £27.00
Size 3 £53.00
Size 4 £63.00
Back Cover  
Size 5 (¼ Page) £72.00
Size 7 (½ Page) £115.00
Size 8 (1 Page) £215.00

Bourne Valley Trader Door to Door Distribution Areas

Town / Village Quantity
Allinton 200
Newton Tony 180
Porton 440
Dispensers initially in Local Businessses in the Bourne Valley. Distribution will increase, as we increase our distribution network. 180
Total Monthly Distribution 1000

Till Valley Trader Advertising Rates

Inside Pages  
Size 1 £15.00
Size 3 £25.00
Size 4 £39.00
Size 5 (¼ Page) £48.00
Size 7 (½ Page) £90.00
Size 8 (1 Page) £175.00
Front Cover  
Header Side Ear (x1) £25.00
Size 1 £24.00
Size 3 £49.00
Size 4 £59.00
Back Cover  
Size 5 (¼ Page) £68.00
Size 7 (½ Page) £110.00
Size 8 (1 Page) £195.00

Till Valley Door to Door Distribution Areas

Town / Village Quantity
Shrewton 750
Dispensers initially in Local Businesses in the Till Valley 250
Distribution will increase, as we increase our distribution network.  
Total Monthly Distribution 1000

All 3 Publications Advertising Rates

Inside Pages  
Size 1 £48.75
Size 3 £86.25
Size 4 £132.00
Size 5 (¼ Page) £170.25
Size 7 (½ Page) £318.00
Size 8 (1 Page) £622.00
Front Cover  
Header Side Ear (x1) £121.00
Size 1 £80.25
Size 3 £142.50
Size 4 £185.25
Back Cover  
Size 5 (¼ Page) £221.25
Size 7 (½ Page) £375.00
Size 8 (1 Page) £678.75

Door to Door Leaflet Distribution

Have your leaflets distributed with The Stonehenge Trader, The Till Valley Trader or The Bourne Valley Trader

For just £35.00 + VAT per 1000

Minimum Charge 1000 Leaflets

Why not let US do the hard work for YOU?

Each edition of The Trader is distributed from the end of each month, your leaflets for distribution are required during the third week of each month.

Amesbury Printing Company

We can also design and print your leaflets for you! Please contact us for more information and a quote:- Contact us here or call 01980 624900

Would you like to advertise your business or organisation in one or all three of The Traders and get automatic inclusion in our directory?

Call us on 01980 624900 or send the form below and we'll get back to you to start the ball rolling.