The first month includes the initial page setup
- First Month: £85 + VAT
- Subsequent Months: Just £10 + VAT / month
- Edits to an advertorial may be subject to a small charge depending on how much work has to be done - price on application
Submit an Advertorial
- Use sub headings for paragraphs
- Do not put all your text into one paragraph - short paragraphs are easier for people to read on websites
- Keep pages titles as short as possible but meaningful
- Text must be submitted on an MS Word Document or something similar
- Send us your photos (maximum of 5) by using the File Uploader in the form below
- Posters are not readable on mobile phones - send text & images
- Format: jpg or jpeg
- Minimum Width: 720 pixels
- We take care of any necessary size reduction or cropping
- Quality short captions are very important
- Max upload size: 35MB
Please Note: Photos that are less than the minimum width will not be included in your article.
Enlarged Photo Display
If you would like us to display enlarged photos in your landing pages please make sure you send us photos with a minimum width of 1600 pixels.
Click the magnifying glass in the top right corner to see an example.
Please Note: This feature will only work on screen widths over 765 pixels. The photo fills most of the screen on anything less.
Optional: Photo Resizing
- If your images are straight from a camera they may be massive in file size (MB)
- You may want to reduce them so they will send more quickly by using the Birme online service. It's fast and easy to use
- The link, preset with a width of 1600 pixels, is here
- Saving the file with a different name will avoid overwriting your original
Optional Embedded Map - Example
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