Julia's House

Registered Charity No. 1067125

Cheerful Cuppa Event In Aid Of Julia's House Children's Hospice

Cheerful Cuppa in Netheravon
Cheerful Cuppa Event

Cheerful Cuppa in Netheravon recently held a fundraising event on behalf of Julia’s Hospice.

They were entertained by Pewsey Male voice choir, with added dancing and singing from the Cheerful cuppa attendees!

A raffle was held and everybody they were very grateful for all donations. Claudia and her colleague attended and Claudia told us all about the hospice’s work with poorly children and their families.

As ever some amazing cakes were consumed, and one even raffled. A lovely morning was had by all and a whopping £400 raised. A big thank you also to the Pewsey Male Voice choir for their donation, it was very much appreciated.

Well done everybody.

Posted: 19 July, 2024

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